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    UBS GWM Investment Summit 2018: This year we supported the 6th UBS GWM Investment Summit. In 2018, the event extended its reach and was renamed the «UBS Global Wealth Management Summit». The focus was again on product news, knowledge transfer and networking.

    Participants: 420

    Target: client advisors from various European and Asian markets

    Location: Congress Centre Davos

    Congress agenda: information booths, plenum-, plenary- and breakout-sessions

    Supporting programme: exhibition and social evening program

    Moderation: in-house

    Main partners: Hotel Ameron, Hilton and Morosani, Blasto (marquees and infrastructure) and Zerzuben Touristik (shuttle bus)

    Noteworthy: One evening is always celebrated with a special theme. This year we had the pleasure to create an evening around five different countries with a special focus on the Middle East. In addition to the bedouin tent feeling there were also corresponding culinary highlights.

    © Photographer: sublim Photography Mathias Mangold, Oliver Hochstrasser
